

Don't give up, Don't give in
No matter what you do don't let them in!
they are toxic, they will not ever change.
I won't give up until they get what they deserve! they won't leave me alone! So I got to do; what I got to do.....get them put away for good, hopefully that's what will happen to them. I hope that will solve the problem. I won't give up until it's a done deal. I'm tired of dealing with this person it's not fair to me that I have to go through such bullshit and more. I tried so hard to do something but sometimes it feels like nothing is ever done or the person I hate won't get put away. I just want to be left alone in peace and quiet so I don't have to worry about them ever, ever again, but these haunting thoughts won't leave me be...as I lie in bed now so let me be. I don't know why but it's hard to bare like the pain of the unbearable. I can't let it get to me... I've got to let go for me not for them. As they won't leave me alone. I just pray 🙏 that one day you will pay and be put away for you don't listen or care about it but you know that karma is a bitch so you will pay someday and I will be finally free from all the pain and agony.