

I would~
This poem is dedicated to all good people especially ones who are younger than me who I would risk my life for...

No matter what you do I would risk my life for you, no matter where you turn I will save your life before I save mines. I came to realize that I lived my life to save yours. I would never let anyone or anything ever hurt you for I will always love all of you. I said I would....I would I say risk everything I got to be your guiding light to the brighter side of your own life. No matter what you do you will survive through this time. I will take on the war of a ten thousand men to win, the battle of the most deadliest warriors to defeat the evilest people that mankind has to bring or come I will fight my last battle and breath for you. Even if that means I will die for you...for every child and every family and even good people especially people like you...I said I would so that's what I'll do. Fight my last war to defeat the darkness to show you the light of the world and have the demonic devious devilish lurking in the shadows they will... disappear, because now I'm here saying I did say I would die trying to save everyone's last life. For I know my rights I will survive in time for you I will lay down and die. I lived my life...so now live yours forever and onward I say as you can do anything. believe you can, because I always believe that you have a reason to be. so exist here and now as you please and live your life for all it's dreams; glory, glory hallelujah...I shall see what your life truly means...I'm here for you forever and true. Remember I will always love you.♥️