

Zoe, equal life. Zoe is life, she is colourful, cheerful, she is the essence of a small child: curious, playful, imaginative. She loves chaos, she is a real tornado, she is THE chaos. Zoe is mute, Zoe is autistic. But this doesn't stop her: she is mischievous like a little monkey, she loves to write, read, play, draw... she loves to communicate IN HER OWN WAY even if the world has placed limits on her, limits that she ignores, and through which she moves forward and it goes on and on. I love my Zoe. I love when she tries to call her mother even though she can't, or when she gets angry and runs away from home in the evening and circles our garden on her now dented bicycle. Nothing about her stops her, and I will never abandon her.
© Tenebra Indaco