

Sweet lady with kinks curls or braids
Sweet lady with kinks curls or braids
you dare to live above the grade
The endless stare us from abound
your body movement like poetry sounds
Wow! sweetie you astounded the world
So much you give like the oyster pearl
We made our bows to your grace alone
your ebony tone others wish to clone
They copycat your style and grace
knowing all along you won't be replaced
GOD created you first for man to see
The Bible said you have birthed humanity
The Lord said venerate your history
in your eyes is love's untangled mystery
Can we look closer in your brown eyes
Those brown eyes men NEVER despise.
Forgive me if l stare too long at those eyes
Makes me believe in wisdom double our size
That you exist Reveals God real..
your smile humble us like sunrises thrill..

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