

Being A Teenager
Being a teenager sucks
The reality settles in
Mom and dad aren't the perfect people you remember
Dad's left and lives hours away
Mom is tired
Sister is trying to hold us together
But she gave up a while ago now
I noticed because now I'm trying to hold sister and mother together
Dad moved on
His girlfriend is fine
But almost like another mother
Which makes me even more anxious
If I'm losing my mom too
Nothing seems to be wrong on the outside
No trauma
No abuse
But the world is still crumbling
Im still trying to hold onto something that is wearing away
Im holding onto the past that disappeared a long time ago
I need to let go
My hands are burning from the loose string
But I can't let go
I don't want to let go
Please God, don't let go of the only okay part of me

© Tannni