

Time's Fleeting Nature.
Time, a river rushing on
Its current carries us along
We try to grasp and hold it tight
But it slips away into the night

Days turn into weeks, then years
We laugh and cry, we love and fear
We build our lives with care and toil
Yet time still flows, its pace unspoiled

We dream of moments lost in time
Of youthful days and love divine
But memories fade, and faces blur
As time erodes what we prefer

We watch the clock with bated breath
As seconds tick away our death
Our bodies age, our minds grow old
As time moves on, relentless and bold

But time is not our enemy
It gives us moments, memories
We learn to cherish what we hold
Before it’s gone, before we’re old

So let us live each day in grace
Embrace the present, find our place
For time is fleeting, always has been
But life is precious, let us begin.

© S.A.Behera's