

"I deserve better"
The younger me would be so proud, I'm in this moment, lost and found, I've been down, and I been broken but if the future me could see me now, it'd be worried that I can't erase the damage done

Humanity’s collective caonsciousness, they will congratulate and celebrate somebody doing the same thing as you, but few days later, they were calling for your crucifixion, it's like when they say "everybody likes a story of an underdog" until it's you.

Through all my blind spots now I see, life sometimes can be so cruel, it always about the control, taking things that it don't own, except the light that came to be, you can't explain where it comes from

Spend your days as you wish, surround yourself with people who pray for you behind your back, if they are fine without you then be fine without them too. Walk away from situations that threaten your peace of mind, people who dull your shine, cancel your subscription to their issues.

Telling yourself "i deserve better" is self-care. Learn to stand firm by ditching the expectations, sure this'll give you the freedom to pursue your passions without limitations and keeps you going when the going gets tough. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.

You just gotta be stronger, and face the wind, learn to have to let go, every day you getting closer that's all that matters in the end, live your best life, be determined that everything you do is the best it can be. If there's an angle looking down I hope they're listening

Good things are on the way, they might not come today or tomorrow, but they are surely going to arrive as blessings, soon enough.