

Man Corrupted religion
So your telling me that a Deity who created humans and everything on this planet who knows everything see's everything. Set it up for us to be controlled by other humans , and that we labor for pieces of paper to feel valued and validated in this life. Just to return to dust in the earth he created. Or did some humans see an opportunity to control others by creating a system of belief to get others to follow them with rules and regulations that benefited them. As time goes on and the world spins they continue to uncover all the ill refutable evidence of humans tampering with the bible and it's books. Humans agendas to use religion as a tool for personal Influence and gain and I'm still supposed to believe that yahweh is a white guy in the skies above space that sits in a chair judging the human experience. I believe in God. Just not the God humans gave other humans to worship as a means to control them through belief. With so many different religions some one has to be wrong and if that being a factual statement. Then must we not question everything we've been given by government amd religious groups who've used the presence of God as a means to make a conventional society and regulate the actions of its people. In the movie the book of Eli the antagonist is in search of this book. The world has been torn by war and disease. The people that are left have no structure or organization. The antagonist knows if he can find the bible and use its teachings to gain the trust , love and fear of the people he'll gain their belief and thus get them to follow he's direction. As that being just a movie and fiction it's message is clear that humans need something to believe in and will follow the ones who introduce it to them. 🤔
© ockindev213