

The ship has capsized
I survived all alone
Picked up and thrown out
By the vicious cyclone

Wreckage littered the water's surface
All destroyed in the deluge
Flotsam pieces, and the mast
Became my source of refuge

A movement behind me
What it was I don't know
I tried not to panic
As it passed far below

I hung on for dear life
Tried to head for the shore
Keeping the sun's glare on one side
A plank used as my oar

I bobbed on the waves
Till I reached ebb and flow
Finally washed unto the shore
Under the moon's watchful glow

I laid weakly on the cool sand
Still drenched in the salty surge
My insides in turmoil
Forced a great heaving purge

But I was safe and in one piece
With no crippling wound
I relished my good luck
Though, sadly marooned

What miracle had happened...
I was never to know
For a whale slid into shore
And into his mouth, I did go

©Sharon Cunningham
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