

Made of Black⚓
Black is powerful, black is brave.
Black is diamond, black doesn't crack.
Black don't need wear a crown, black is king.
Black is behind black, black is the real thing.

Black is listening, black is talking.
Black is told to sit, black is walking.
Black is stubborn, black is free.
Black is in hell, black is still smiling.

Black is pain, black is joy, black is everything. Black is risk, black is rich.
Black is risk, black is poor.
Black is working twice as hard, black is seeing nothing.
Black is wondering, black is seeing failure.
Black is falling, black is picking up black.

Black is never giving up, black is back.
Black is among black, black is a platoon.
Black is alone, black is still fighting, black is a soldier.
Black is seen as a machine, black needs rest, black is giving a shoulder.

Black is deep, black is misunderstood, black sleeps.
Black is thinking in his closet, black is coming out, black is smiling like he never thinks.
Black is absorbing, just like the color black absorbs light.
Black is absorbing others' problems so they can maintain their status.
Black is pleading, who is going to absorb black's problems?

Black is a woman crying, black is cleaning her tears.
Black is a woman working, black is a woman praised.
Black is a woman never lazy, black is a woman deadly.
Black is afar, black is seen as dangerous.
Black is near, black is harmless.

Black is seeing black win, black is glad.
Black is seeing black cry, black is sad.
Black is excellent, black is grand.
© Sage