

right kind of love
Most people haven't loved
You can say you've loved
When you know your worth but ignore it either way
You can say you've loved
When you cry over the little things he doesn't do
But smile over the little things he does
You can say you've loved
When you'd rather have part of him than none of him
You can say you've loved
When you know he's wrong for you
But you fight to make him right for you

That's my opinion on love
Maybe that's my opinion because that's the love I'm used to
The kind of love that makes you
Want to change things to please him
The kind of love so powerful you can't breathe when things are rocky
The kind of love that's the bane of your existence
The kind buried in the marrow of your bone
The kind that sits weighing a1000kg on your chest
The kind that causes anxiety when you're apart
Not because you don't trust him
but because you don't know the mood he'll come back with
The kind that makes you check yourself whenever you guys are in a good place
The kind so powerful others see you as a fool

And then I met you
You made all the love stories I've heard
feel like a reality, My Reality
I believe people are capable of truly loving because I exist
The love I was used to was the right kind of love
Just the right kind of love for the wrong person
Loving them more than I loved myself
Expecting them to love me, not more than themselves but enough
I mean it's not their fault I couldn't love myself.
The way I love isn't wrong
I won't stand people calling it obsession
I mean picture this my strong love
and he's strong love
That's how lasting couples are made
I give him a 110 percent on my good days
Then a 100 on my bad days and he does the same
I forgive and forget to make the relationship last and he does the same
I'd move mountains to see him smile and he does the same
Love so pure, made with layers and layers not of deceit but trust.

The kind of love I wish myself
The kind of love I need to be happy
The kind of love that I deserve
Can't be found in men but in God
And that's the reality of it
But God said be fruitful and multiply
So I have to chose the right person to do so with
And I’d rather be alone than settle for less.