

Hollow inside
I look to the sky to which I normally gaze,
To my awe, it's all just a haze,
Very seldom, nature has left me in a daze,
I suppose.. I've lost my place,

My mind still roams, but now in a field of mines,
My heart no longer beats, yet the words still rhyme,
A million glances at the old clock retrieve only time,
I laugh, I smile, I want to cry, but I know I'm fine,

Seconds no longer count, time stopped telling,
Days and nights fly by without any clouds stirring,
Now dawns the day I miss the gales and whirlwinds,
Mayhaps, reality has become too underwhelming,

Now I sit by the old clock, count the hours as time flies,
Sipping away warm lemon tea as I rewatch movies I already watched,
Just after dawn, I sit outside and wave at strangers as they pass by,
And at night I sit by the window and just smile at the moonlit night sky,

I laugh, I smile, I want to cry, but I know I'm fine
Truth is I'm just hollow inside..

© Benjie-san@The Jovial Wordsmith