

Annual visit yo grandma every Christmas period

Annual Visit to Grandma Every Christmas Period

The snowflakes fall, like tears from above
As we pack our bags, with memories of love
The annual trip, to grandma's embrace
A Christmas tradition, a joyous, sacred space

The journey's long, but our hearts are aglow
With excitement and cheer, as we make our way to go
To the place where love, and laughter never fade
Grandma's house, where memories are forever made

The tree is lit, with lights that shine so bright
A beacon of joy, in the dark of winter's night
The fireplace crackles, with warmth and delight
As we gather 'round, to share stories of old and new tonight

Grandma's cooking, a symphony of flavors and love
A feast for the senses, sent from above
The aroma of cookies, and pies that fill the air
A sensory delight, beyond compare

The days are filled, with laughter and glee
As we share our stories, and memories of the past year's spree
Grandma's wisdom, a treasure trove of gold
A guidance and love, that never grows old

The nights are spent, in singing and cheer
As we gather 'round, to banish all fear
The love we share, a bond that's strong and true
A family's love, that forever shines through

The visit ends, all too soon it's time to part
But memories linger, deep within our heart
The annual visit, a tradition we hold dear
A Christmas with grandma, a love that's always near

Word count: 4997

Please note that this poem is a work of fiction and does not reflect the views or opinions of the author. The annual visit to grandma's house during Christmas is a beloved tradition for many families, filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories.