

My mind is drawing a blank
The ease I seek is out of sync
All the places that I can think of are dark
The paths twist and turn to the labyrinth of my heart
The sand in the hourglass slowly dissolves
Grief is the companion in my heart
People always say to move on
They assume after you've been scattered
That life won't be shattered
Just look at all you have
Just paint a smile on and be glad
Just put the mask we ask on and move on
The masquerade of life can eat at the soul
And as your heartbeat grows faint and old
There are words you spoke that you wish could be untold
The rain beats on the door
The clouds fog and enclose the sun
Every word someone around you says becomes a charade and pun
You burn for something to be truly done
Something honest
Something loyal
One real person instead of this dance in the dark
Who needs ghosts when your life is a phantom

© ER