

Does your footwear stalk you?— walk you back home?
Or do you lead both of your two shoes there?
Do bees prize the taste of honey or comb?
Do you think dying for one sting is fair?
Could you keep shit locked up tight in your dome?
Would you get it off your chest— clear the air?
Should you become a Roman when in Rome
Or should you bring a taste of home to share?
If you discovered a noisome syndrome
Would you give it your legal name to bear?
Does the bright light detest the growing gloam?
Does the gloam even have a fucking care?
Should the knot fully fear the fine-toothed comb?
Does the comb giggle when it teases hair?
Do bats know there is more than monochrome?
If they don't see colour is hatred rare?
Does anyone win at a hippodrome?
Does it dream of curving corners, the square?
If a mouse were to make your motor home
And you fired the machine, unaware
Are you at fault for frying its genome?
How well would you rate this rhymed questionnaire?

#questionsiaskmyself #askaway #rhyme
© danie_af