

your legacy
you got a wife ;daughters a son and grandkids.
A blessing many dream of.
instead you lurking outside 24/7.
trying to make your own heaven.
you treat your wife likes she's burden.
but when your kids husbands treat them the same.
you go insane;
you entertain and laugh with friends .
always advising others about there problems.
here is your family.can't you see
there wounds go really deep.
you tell your son in-law "don't you dare cheat"
but here you are after every girl on the street.
when your wife weeps deeply;
you become even more unfriendly.
what kind of legacy will you leave behind.
what good in it is there to find.
what memories would you leave your kids
if you constantly making there minds a mess.
when you go to work they feel free.
when you return there hearts skip beats.
yes you don't bash them around
but in the house you have a constant frown.
aways shouting and reprimanding.
but when you are outside you act like a king.
they;your family is a burden.
and to them your heart will never soften😞