

A Weavers of words

With pen in hand and heart aflame,
The poet crafts their artful game.
They weave a tapestry of thought and rhyme,
A world of emotions, intertwined in time.

Their mind a maze of metaphors and dreams,
Where words dance forth, like moonlit beams.
With each stroke of the pen, a piece unfolds,
A fragment of their soul, for all to hold.

Ink flows like blood, as they write from the heart,
Their deepest passions, and most innermost part.
Their words, a reflection of life's joys and fears,
A symphony of emotions, through all the years.

With every line, a piece of themselves they share,
A vulnerability, beyond compare.
Their poetry, a gift, to all who read,
A glimpse into their world, where emotions feed.

And when the poem's done, and the words all said,
The poet steps back, and lets their art be spread.
For in the act of creating, they find their peace,
A sense of purpose, their soul's release.