

„It‘s going to be alright.“
After all these times
of my heart getting broken.
after writing all this poetry that rhymes,
my heart is stuck, it’s frozen
from what feelings you left behind.

My heart swells, I can feel it so well
but there’s nothing I can do.
I talk to myself in hopes you’d hear me,
but it’s impossible to get back to you,
to that person who loved me freely.

I feel a stinging pain inside,
this irrational fear of losing myself
within all this mess of losing you.
Should I be seeking for professional help,
Is there even anything left they could do?

shattered glass on the floor,
water spilled over, a broken light.
Thunder outside, a banging from the door,
but all I need to recover is your sight,
and hearing you say, „It’s going to be alright.“

© Dorothea.S