

age of rhyme
I started to write a poem...
Here i got pinch, to write a poem..
Was that my time when i was busy with my rhyme...
Was so happy for a long time.
It was like everything is mine.. Every moment was bright and shine.... We pray to Allah and are divine.
Pleasing to Allah u will shine..
Raise hands, praise best.
Go for shrine, let bar of wine.
Here is right way of living.
If you are perfect believer no need of worriying.
Pray for happyness he will bring.
Not the way on we are standing,but on the way He is telling.
I respect diviners, and i am pleasing.
Sure i will be reason for a better change,
I will be fine this will be His sign,,
. let me finish my poem, wth little words mean lime.,, with change of time.
There i got, pray to Allah, u will be surely fine.

Pir zaroon noorani
© pir zaroon noorani