

Echoes of Innocence
I miss the young me,
Pure and innocent,
When my heart wasn't hurt,
When my soul was content.

When my world was small,
Simple and bright,
When the days were long,
And dreams took flight.

When laughter came easy,
And tears were rare,
When worries were light,
Like a breeze in the air.

When my perceptions were clear,
Untainted by strife,
When I didn't know
The harshness of life.

When heartbreak was a tale,
Not a wound in my chest,
When love was a promise,
An unspoken quest.

When my only concern
Was the glass I had broken,
When apologies mended,
And no harsh words were spoken.

I miss the young me,
In a world full of wonder,
When my spirit was free,
And my heart didn't ponder.

When each new day
Held a promise so sweet,
When adventures awaited
Just down the street.

When I played in the sun,
Without fear or doubt,
When every small triumph
Was met with a shout.

When trust was inherent,
And faith was unshaken,
When I hadn't yet learned
Of hearts being forsaken.

When joy was abundant,
In the simplest of things,
Like a song in the breeze,
Or the flutter of wings.

I miss the young me,
So guileless and pure,
When the future was bright,
And my dreams felt secure.

When the night brought calm,
Not worries and fears,
When sleep was a refuge,
Not a moment for tears.

When life was a story
Just waiting to be told,
When I felt invincible,
And the world was my gold.

I miss the young me,
The child in my heart,
Who danced in the rain,
And saw life as art.

I long for those days,
When my spirit was free,
But the memories remain,
Of the young, innocent me.
© marionbonareri
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