

Even God Gets Weary Sometimes
The sun was beating down
tempers were now frayed
angry murmurs were voiced
as the devout all prayed
Oh Mighty Allah I ask of you
give me this, I need that too
let me tell you what is best
guide you on what to do
And the mosaics glowed hot
shining in the haze of heat
while they knelt with demands
skin tingling on soles of feet
He could have sent mosquitoes
or a plague of something worse
He could have shaken the earth
or raised the temple with a curse
But Allah is a merciful Creator
He knows Man is selfishly needy
has watched each and every one
forgiven bad, the sinner or greedy
for He had given them free will
the power to chose their own way
and He looked down from Above
sighed and was disheartened today
until with His omnipresent senses
He heard a small voice cutting in
drowning out the meaningless rote
making white noise of all their din
for it came from an Infidel child
directing good thoughts up to a sky
asking Him to use them best He can
surrenders love, no conditions or why
just wanting the best for all others
but feeling there's little he controls
so gives his devotion to a greater power
a pure energy that is within all souls
Allah hears and smiles and is loving
his followers are still children it seems
stumbling in a world that is broken
chasing false promises, riches, dreams
He alone uses the gentle power to calm
to bring peace and serenity once again
and He blesses the sender for kindness
He too can feel frustration and pain
but Allah rewards the people He sees
with His forgiveness, patiently waits
for one day all lost souls will join Him
forgetting all their troubles and fates
He breathes deep, turns to the child
fills him with a gratitude and belief
no Man is beyond salvation or ruin
let him who gives be granted relief.

© .Garry Saunders