

Forest Sea
In a kingdom of lydon you will see comely and tall trees,
A hidden world, a mystical thrall,
where all things are special.
Behold the sea of forest, a green expanse,
In whispers of magic, an eternal dance.

In the middle of the ancient grove, a gentle breeze,
The leaves are being stroked and the trees are rustling.
The symphony of birds, their flight songs,
Resounding through the forest, filling the night.

Under the mgna , a lush tapestry,
Of ferns and flowers, a lively revelry.
Mossy rocks and flowing streams,
Reflecting the golden rays of sunlight.

The forest sea, a deep sanctuary,
Where the wonders of nature are always found.
In harmony with creatures great and small,
A precious refuge, embraces all.

At dusk, the stars decorate the sky,
Guides the steps of the wanderers, as time passes.
The sea of the forest, a place of comfort and grace,
Where souls find solace and hearts find their place.