

Serpent on a Pole
Blessed by the perfect garden,

But unable to obey;

Blessed with the Son of God,

No more able we, then they.

Serpent on a Pole,

Savior on a tree.

Scapegoats killed for their sins,

And Jesus died for me.

Wandering in the desert,

Wandering in my mind;

Their journey to the Promised Land

My journey more confined.

Struck him blind to make him see

That Jesus is God's love;

Struck me down, imprisoned me

To tell me God's had enough.

Taught to obey the laws of God,

Taught to live like Jesus;

They struggled with obedience,

I struggled with His existence.

For now, we see in the glass darkly,

But one day, face to face;

Until that day, He's commanded us

To reflect His glory and His grace.

© Linda Troxell