

A Symphony of Love

A symphony of love, a melody so sweet,
The kind of love that knocks you off your feet.
It's tender, gentle, and oh so pure,
A love that lasts forever, that will endure.

Like a rose that blooms in the spring,
This kind of love is pure, it's everything.
It's what we dream of when we close our eyes,
A love that lasts forever, that never dies.

It's the way they smile when you catch their eye,
A feeling that makes your heart soar to the sky.
It's the moments shared, the tender embrace,
That makes this symphony of love take place.

It's the laughter shared, the tears that fall,
A bond that's unbreakable, stronger than all.
It's a love that's built on trust, on faith and hope,
A love that never falters, that helps us cope.

This symphony of love, this magical sound,
It's what makes the world go round and round.
It's what we all need, it's what we all crave,
A love that we know will stand the test of time and save.

So let this symphony of love fill your heart and soul,
And let it guide you, and make you whole.
For this love is the greatest gift of all,
A symphony of love that will never fall.

© Jovan_love