

The days

The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight.

For the one she longed for never arrived,
In the silence, her heart contrived,
A tale of love lost in the fading light.

Yet, in shadows, whispers stirred the air,
A promise held, though beyond compare.
Hope lingered, like a star in the night,
Guiding her through the endless plight.

Through the echoes of time, a murmur grew,
Love's melody played, pure and true.
Amidst the void, a spark ignited,
Fate's canvas painted, destiny invited.

As dawn approached, a silhouette emerged,
Long-awaited, the lover finally surged.
Their souls entwined, a dance so sweet,
In the symphony of love, hearts complete.

Murillo Kollek

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