

🌺 Petals and Snowflakes 🌨️
“A scorpion was walking along the bank of a river, wondering how to get to the other side. Suddenly he saw a fox. He asked the fox to take him on his back across the river. The fox said, “No, if I do that you’ll sting me, and I’ll drown.” The scorpion assured him, “If I did that, we’d both drown.” So the fox thought about it and finally agreed. So the scorpion climbed up on his back, and the fox began to swim. But halfway across the river, the scorpion stung him. As the poison filled his veins, the fox turned to the scorpion and said, “why did you do that? Now you’ll drown too.” “I couldn’t help it,” said the scorpion. “It’s my nature.””

🦊 💦 🦂

"Flesh is Flesh, Spirit is Spirit. And to go Beyond this 'Nature,' we must Become Spiritual. Or, we Shall All Perish."


A #WRITCO Collaboration
{Limited Edition}











🌎 🌍 🌏


In the Silent of Night
Beneath the Moon’s Soft Glow
The Maker of Stars Whispers
So you Know
A Love so Profound
As Endless Space Expands
Holding Galaxies and Hearts
Within His Hands

He’d Embrace the Dark
Let Stars fade Away
If it meant your Light
Would Forever Stay
For in His Cosmic Dance
Of Eternal Grace
You’re the Masterpiece
That Lights up Space

The Milky Way
Weaves Stories of Old
Yet your Existence
Is the Greatest Tale Told
He’d rather Die for You
Than Live Without
His Love, a Constellation
There’s no Doubt

So when Life’s Storms Rage
And Skies turn Grey
Remember the Maker’s Love
Will not Sway
You’re Treasured, my Dear
Like Stardust’s Gleam
In the Vast Universe
You’re the Cherished Dream


There is a Place beyond the Edge of Reason and Grace
Where Benevolent Ideals and Loving Hands Trace
Guided along by the Words of the Creator still in Place
Keeping our Hearts and Minds Happy and Smiles on our Face

We are the Free Willed Creation Immaculate and Pure as the Freshly fallen Snow
Every Flake, every Frost, it’s own Design ina Journey of Life as their Winds Blow
And who they are or where they’ve been determined by the Wheel of Fate
But Rising beyond what they are is the Altruist Nature Destiny’s Date

Petals fall to the Ground and are often Trampled below the Feet of the Rich and Powerful
Some Ride on Air and Travel to other Lands Distant and Colorful
Choosing to go against the Grain, Life’s chosen Train, finding Happiness in Opposition to the Binding Laws of Nature

But Petals, or Flake, Make no Mistake.
We are One, and that’s the Take
Religion, Gender, Preference or Color, we are all Part of Heaven’s Rainbow
And the Rains cleanses us All, short or tall, fat or thin, rich or poor, woman or man Heaven will still Show
Equality Based on Existence, not Bias
We are One.


In these verses, where words ally, let’s join together 💞 and form constellations of sky✨,
When our magic allied will intertwine 🧡,we will create something belonging to the sky 😌,
The Chandelier of Hope wants us one, in unity🫂,
With loving each other and reaching to the infinity 🌟,
Petals own their own hue and delight, as nature unites 😍,
Why being jealous of someone else’s Redolence when yours just excites💞,
The Flakes own their own rigid hard core💎, and diamond like appearance ah so bold💫,
Why not we see the world with the clearance like that of flakes oh gold💯,
Has the petal ever criticized the flakes😄, just think it enriches the beauty of petals with grace💖,
As the flakes land over the delicate petal’s surface 🌻 they hug and intertwine with no disgrace ❤️,
Why are you envying your mate’s success 🥺, are you a masked lier that’s not great🥀,
What if fate has decided to bless you better than the last time yes, fate🌷,
Belittling others when they underperform can’t make you take a win 💫,
Embracing them in their tough time will make it a win-win🌟,
Let our verses land over your Heart ❤️,
Don’t let the beauty of being a human depart🔥✨🫂!

🌈 📖


🦄 🪐

© I Am MichAel

☀️ ⭐

