

Would You Adam And Eve As She
The Apple, laced n maced, was provided for the man of bloor, God made sure he did not hit the floor, the serpent tempted, the woman in, devil and satan, did their din, the woman gave in, accepted the din, serpent, poison, apple went in, evil spirit, a kidnap indeed, into marriage of the man of heed, not enough, start of cult, what rot, did the apple, see the lot, as gone is rot, drop no not, Paradise land, began to rot, beginning of cult, now gone and rot, hell for the them, apple in mouth, woman does go, to hell and rot, man this time does live, out of kidnap, merry New Jerusalem bliss, we are freed, from horror kidnap, anyone possible, all love this time, together be, a match to see, arranged by God, for love belign. Cheers! God Is Great And True. James.
© James Alexander