

In the stillness of the night.
In the stillness of the night, a soul ascends above,
Leaving loved ones behind, wrapped in sorrow and love.
God's plan is a mystery, we cannot comprehend,
But we trust in His wisdom, in Him we depend.

The ache in our hearts, the tears that we shed,
Remind us of the one we've lost, now eternally at rest.
Though we may not understand, we hold onto faith,
Knowing that in God's hands, they've found eternal grace.

So we gather together, to mourn and to grieve,
Remembering the one we lost, in memories we weave.
For in the pain of parting, we find a glimmer of hope,
That one day we'll be reunited, in a far better scope.

So let us hold onto each other, in our time of despair,
And trust in God's plan, even when it's hard to bear.
For though we may be human, and death may be unclear,
We believe in a higher power, who holds our loved one dear.In
© Nate