

Dad I never knew
In the silence of my heart , I hear your name,
A father I never met, yet feel the same.
Though you're a stranger in this life of mine,
In my heart, your presence forever shines.
I wonder about you, with each passing day,
What tales you'd tell, what wisdom you'd convey.

Though your face remains a mystery to me,
Your spirit guides me, sets my soul free. In the stories I've heard, your essence lives,
A man of strength, who always gives. Though our paths never crossed in this earthly place,I feel your love, a warm embrace.

For even though you're not here to hold,Your legacy, in my heart, unfolds. I'll carry your name with honor and pride, In every step I take, you'll walk by my side. Though we never met, I feel you near, Your spirit whispers, "I'm always here."So though you're a father I never got to meet,
In my heart, your love will always beat.
© Thabiso Dube