

Dancing with my Ghost
Dancing with shadows in the night
Unseen wraiths float endlessly
Voices that sing in flight
Command incessantly
Some come with no intentions
Others arrive to steal my peace
Most come for my interventions
Only then will theirs screaming cease
Whispers can be so eerie
Fragrant breath they will breathe
So, God damn many made me weary
it doesn’t matter if you believe
every day since I could see
many faces asking questions
“Hey there little Steve….
Are you there?” they would beckon
These shadows are, but souls not saved
Ghostly apparitions lost alone
Angels not yet bless with grace
Their transitioning still unknown
In my ears I hear them plead
Souls that nobody else can feel
Some come on bended knee
Broken angels who cannot heal
Ghost, angels or orbs of white light
Each one is an entity of grace
They come, and I give them their sight
So, they can move on to the Better Place

© StephenPuls1970