

The heart is weak
My heart is weak, its falling apart
I'm broken, no wings to fly
I'm high on caffeine,
Cause I don't want to feel
To heal is a battle, I can only kneel
Cause my feet are weak
Help me understand, why
My tears are dry
Father can you hear me I sing
You're not worth it rings
I'm so tired, just need to sleep
But my eyes won't shut
As dreadful bloodthirsty thoughts
Makes me uneasy, I dread each minute
As my brave but faint heart battles
Volcanic and untamed my thoughts are
I'm listening to the sound of breaking
Battered and bruise hearts cry
Asking God why, because he knows
Silent windless emptiness
Cant be understood
The heart is weaker shredded and torn
futile yet icy, calm but bleak
The heart is weak,
No it's not,
Its painfully perplexing
Bottomless and oppressive
It flatlined and gave up the fight

© Theresa♥️♥️♥️fromthe♥️♥️♥️

#heartbreak #neverendingpain #pain #tired #writco #Poetry #healing #broken #laughterafterpain #fight #survive #betterdays #gettingbetter #poem #Writing