

The lie I tell
Are you okay?,
Always the same question.
I'm fine!
Always the same lie.

Does lying make me feel better, does hiding my pain give me relief.

Honestly it doesn't, it doesn't solve anything.
It doesn't take away the pain, it doesn't take away the worry.
But I say it, I lie all the time.

Why do I do so?,
Because it's easier.
It's easier to hide it,
It's easier to put on a smiling face even though all I want to do is cry, all I want is yell at someone just cry out my frustration.

But I lie,
Because it's easier than explaining what I'm going through, it's easier than thinking of what to tell them,
It's easier than being me.

If you see me sad, don't ask why because I'll lie.
Rather reassure me that everything will be okay,
That everything will one day be fine.