

Letters to you, Heart broke
I have beautiful thoughts
of you.
I've decided to never defame your name again.
I want to earn your trust back,
I know the feelings feel harsh and tempered.
I know who I am right now, I know who I can be.
God, I truly believe, he needed to work on me.
I'm not perfect.
you made note that my imperfections
we're too imperfect for your directions,
though I have carved around the jagged edges,
and I'm not expecting to be forgiven.
I just want a chance to see
if I can be apart of some recovery.
reviving love is not easy,
for many after who I was to you, it might be the possible, impossibility.
I love you with all of me,
in case you hadn't noticed,
I'm staying the course of reality.
fixing pieces of me that needed me.
if I didn't, my love for you would rain insincerity.
I long for the magic to rekindle,
as I will do anything for you,
I will work so hard,
give you space to write about the hazel in your heart.
I think we have so much love to share through healing,.art and craftsmanship.
I know it irritates you when you catch me saying things that are wrong.
I do not will to perpetuate that long.
old habits die harder
but it won't last the length of a song
the wrongs of rights I wish to change.

please believe in God
and in believing
you'll have faith in me
and we can rely on hope.
I might be able to restore some broken pieces
I might be able to replace our frayed rope.