

Standing among the crowd as the leading force
Nah!My boys!My daughters! Tolerate! Tolerate! Walk on and gain !
Your laziness! It's shameful!You are not likes berries in the wild. So fall down to the land!
Otherwise ,You will be eaten by people.
If you don't become successful in germinating yourself from your small seeds from soil....
Want all Wealth?
Want all Health?
To revive the dead ?
To cure your love ones in time ?
See the future!Active the fire in your heart and rupture !
Rupture! Capture! Capture all pain of your life !
Life isn't easy and shall not be easy
Wake up!Behold the corpse in the graveyard
Ask! Ask yourself ! The question of your life!
Sky! Tell me! The Truth of Earth!
Tell me your end and of eaths!
Then learn ! learn the skill special!
For standing among the crowd as a leading force

© Swords_Sky