

A some thing unknown magic
Part of our body
Heart our store room
Where we hide
Our feelings
Our happiness
Our sad
Most special to our heart
To everyone
Who we love's truly ?
Who are there ?
With us until our last breath
Without leaving our hand
We treat them as our heart
Heart means breath
Without heart
There is no breath
Our heart tells what is good
And what is bad
Who is good ?
Who is bad ?
Just once listen to your heart word's
Then after decide
What you want to do ?
Our heart will tell always
Good for us
Our heart will intimate to us
Not correct to do that mistakes
Before we are doing a mistakes
But some don't listen about that words
Because of their needy / careless

' Our heart is our soul mirror to us , what you want to do before once listen to your heart word's , then after you decide . but your heart will always tell what is good /bad
For you . '
listening to outside fellows words is our foolishness, their words will be either good / bad for their needy.
But our heart belongs to us our heart is a our soul mirror of us , so it always tells good for us not bad things.

'Our heart our soul mirror of us '