

Something may be wrong
* Something may be wrong with the study *
* Otherwise ... *

Children in Aryabhata's country
Don't fail in math.

And forgetting Kalidasa,
Shakespeare is not played.

Treatment in the country of Sushruta
Not so weak ..
To ..
Leaving Pratap-Shivaji
Akbar-Aurangzeb will not be worshiped.

* Something is wrong *
* Have been studying .. *
* Otherwise .. *
Mother tongue of the son of the country
Don't stop talking

Something must have been wrong
In the making .. otherwise ...

Behind the small selfishness
Life's relationship is not in danger.

Instead of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,
Parents do not go to old age home.

Day or night,
Never be robbed fearlessly.
To ..
The relationship of seven births,
That marriage deal will never happen.

* Something is wrong *
* Would have been in the making .. *
* Otherwise .. *
Making the value of life zero,
Suicide doesn't happen ...