

A Poets Dream
Beneath the moon's silvery gleam,
A tale unfolds, a poet's dream.
Pale light inspires, a muse set free,
Her pen a wayward butterfly, so it would seem.

But hark! A sound, a bird in flight,
A golden pheasant, its plumage bright.
Its hiss a whisper, a gentle call,
Beneath the moon's silvery gleam.

Its plumage shimmers, iridescent hues,
A rainbow tapestry, dreams to muse.
Its gentle coo, a soothing spell,
A tale unfolds, a poet's dream.

Like Orpheus' lyre, it sets her heart ablaze,
Igniting verses that ignite and craze.
The moonlight guides, the pheasant's sound, just like a symphony,
Pale light inspires, a muse set free.

Through night's embrace, her words take flight,
A tapestry of imagery, painted with all her might.
The pheasant's call, a constant guide,
Her pen a wayward butterfly, so it would seem.

© Lai Montes