

In the Stormy Night
This raging wind in the stormy night
has abruptly dimmed every hopeful light.
The castles made of dreams
and the most sophisticated thoughts,
not so fragile as it seems ,
have left the trails of afterthoughts.
For the truest strength,
for the undenying power
is not hidden in the storm's length
but in delicacy of a flower.
Nor in the intensity of its force,
but in sensitivity of its source.
For gentle lips could cause a storm,
yet gentle words are to adorn.
But what is true and what is lie?
What are you trying to deny?
I've always liked to scratch a surface
and explore depth and its purpose.
For what's the beauty of fony words
when all they want is to be heard?
And where is beauty without virtue?
Why to be vulnerable when they hurt you?
How to soothe the storm with gentle lullaby
,how to love while saying goodbye?
The storm will soon pass
leaving everything out of its place,
yet we'll stay,let's keep our grace.
And let's learn from the storm,
let's change our structure and our form.
Let's tell the storm that we are braver than her,let's tell a storm that we become smarter.
Let's tell her the next time to think twice
before she comes and look at our eyes.
Let's conquer this storm, this storm within,
let's show her that we can conquer the sin.
And although now it appears as strange,
the storm's purpose was to rearrange
our wandering thoughts, once so bright,
preparing the scene for a new day
in the middle of the longest night .

© Lady_O