

The smell of rain.
The earthy smell of rain fills my senses,
A fragrance that is both sweet and intense.
It brings back memories of childhood days,
Of jumping in puddles and carefree ways.

The misty air, a cool and crisp embrace,
Bringing life to every living space.
It cleanses the streets, the buildings, the trees,
And washes away all the worries and unease.

The scent of wet soil, a hint of green,
A symphony of nature, a beautiful scene.
The flowers bloom, the grass turns greener,
As the raindrops fall, a magical cleaner.

The smell of rain, a symphony of notes,
A melody that nature so beautifully wrote.
It awakens the soul, rejuvenates the mind,
And leaves a sense of peace and calm behind.

Oh, how I love the smell of a rain,
A fragrance that washes away all pain.
It reminds me that life is a precious gift,
And in every storm, there's a lesson to lift.

So I'll stand in the rain, with arms wide open,
And let the earth's perfume be my token.
For in this moment, I am truly alive,
As I breathe in the scent of a rain that revives.
© Manuelmark