

Breaks in everywhere
Reveals in all places
To the eyes that knows how to look for it
Find themselves at one
With secret of life.

With beauty of sunset
The quiet of nature brings joys to the face of children
The greatest blessing of God for mankind
We find something beautiful
Which improve the quality of life ?

Only view are given the opportunity to see it
Not because of something else they might bring us
It is valuable because it beautiful
Human beings are part of nature
Which create effort for beauty?

It comes naturally
Bringing happiness and joy to the grateful life
In observing it we found both happiness and sadness
Impressive and instructive

It may endearing to one
Dangerous to others
Every things on earth has its own beauty
Not art of man but the might

Rainbow bound human heart
Perennial woody plant brings the feeling for lovebirds
For there’s love in between which is life
Cascade which is remarkable and possessed uniquely wonderful quality
Moon shine so bright at dusk

Flowers beautify the world with different color
What makes them more beautiful?
Which give hope to the thankful?
It gives us hope to keep moving
A nature goes on forever
Human are unique when it comes to beauty