

They teach you how to bake and cook
But when there is no food where should you look?
They teach you how to read and spell
But what's between the lines you cannot tell
They teach you to say 'please' and 'thank you'
But when others are rude what should you do?
They teach you how to sit and stand
But when you fall how do you safely land?
They teach you about a job interview
But not what a job can do to you
They teach you how to be respectable
But being misjudged is acceptable?
They teach you about what gender you are
But not about the spouse who will maim and mar?
They teach you how you should make friends
But not how you will feel when that friendship ends
They teach you how to reach your goal
But not how to heal your wounded soul
There is so much they teach you to do
But not what to do when everyone leaves you
Irrelevant things when all the while
We are living in a world so vile
They claim to teach you the wrong from right
But things are not that black and white

© Susanna Perumal