

Trapped in a dark, musty cellar, Jina's heart pounded in fear. She had stumbled upon an abandoned house while hiking, and curiosity led her inside. Now, the creaking floorboards above hinted at someone's presence.

Desperation set in as she searched for an exit, only to find the door locked. Panic rising, she noticed a narrow window high above. With trembling hands, she managed to pry it open, but it was too small to escape through.

Suddenly, footsteps echoed on the stairs. In a last-ditch effort, Jina squeezed through the window, scraping her skin as she wriggled out. She fell to the ground outside, bruised but free.

Gasping for air, she glanced back at the house, a shiver running down her spine. She had narrowly escaped the clutches of the unknown, forever haunted by the memory of being trapped.

© Simrans
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