

existential crisis
Help me.
Please i need to be enlightened
existential crisis
I couldnt find a piece of mind
All my thoughts are intertwining
I don't know if I see right
Or maybe it's left
I can't tell up from down
The only thing I impress myself with
Is my switches

Consistent vendictive
Can you see the twists I do
Emotional contortionist
Come see me put on a show
I'll be the star but oh
Being a star can be the bad part
I'm like a villain
antagonist to chillin

But then again
My mind is warped
It's fuzzy
I'm contradicting myself
and it's so funny
Or maybe in just laughing
Cuz it's easier than crying
There's no denying
I'm a bit twisted
Call me a braid
I don't know which way I'm winding
But I wind up in a haze
And when it clears
No longer I'm dazed
I'm fully shook

Stuffed into anxiety's embrace
It's like a bear hug
I try to say no, I try to run
I try to stop It , to overcome
But the strength is overbearing
So I just wear it

consciousness gives me a head ache
The stress is making me contemplate
my go to for thoughts of escape
a cowards way is what they say
but sometimes I think life is a fools game

© Jada E. Clark