

The 9 Muses
In ancient scrolls, where tales are spun,
Calliope, with quill, her work is done.
Each word she scribes, a memory's hold,
In history's tapestry, forever bold.

In the annals of time, Clio's lore,
Keeper of the past, memories she stores.
Tales of old, in her voice revive,
History's guardian, stories alive.

In stanzas sweet, Erato's art,
Lyrics crafted from her heart.
Lyrics woven, melodies are spun,
Poetry's muse, her praises are sung.

In songs divine, Euterpe's grace,
Her voice, a gift, all hearts embrace.
With melodies pure, her notes prolong,
Music's muse, in enchanting song.

In tragedies told, Melpomene's fame,
Her gift of sorrow, not for acclaim.
Tales of woe to learn from the past,
Guiding hearts, hoping fate will outlast.

In heavenly verses, Polymnia's charm,
Sacred hymns in truth disarm.
Honoring the sacred, her words entwine,
Beauty in hymns, a gift divine.

In Terpsichore's rhythmic sway, tales unfurl,
Through her dance, stories swirl.
Her sisters' lore in a visual ballet,
Expressing narratives in a graceful display.

In Thalia's jests, the divine fool,
Laughs she crafts, a joyous tool.
From sorrow's depths, mirth she'll sway,
With wits and words, brighten the day.

In Urania's ethereal domain, stories take flight,
Beneath the stars' glow, she weaves the night.
Silent sagas written in the sky's grand sweep,
Above us, in stardust, secrets keep.

In the realm of creativity, the Muses reign,
Guardians of arts, their influence sustain.
From tales to melodies, humor to skies' grandeur,
Daughters of Memory, our creative fervor.

© TheWritingsofApollo

#Mythology #Muse #GreekMythology #Poetry