

The Life Path of Blue
My life path isn't one for the faint of heart. I wish I understood from the start. The path my soul has chosen, that of a loving person. For years I have misunderstood, spent time begging if they could. Love me for who I am, Love me the way I can. What I missed all these years, that caused me so many tears. With a life path such as this, means my ego can't exist. My hope to be loved shattered, as I look down at my clothing tattered. Unconditional love, like a dove. loving myself will have to due, because I know one thing us true. No matter who I meet in this place, No one can see my real face. The one with sad blue eyes, a soul to wise. Now that I figured it out, there's no point to pout. My life path was chosen by me. I just needed to see. So I could build the walls and boundaries I need. In order to be free. Free from the pain and torture of my heart, calling out for another part. My soul is smart, my heart not so much. It's where I get my touch. To help anyone sent my way. To see their worth again some day. Even those that love wish to be loved, but some of us have to be doves. Flying around reminding everyone that will listen, your soul is the one you have been missing. Love comes from the part, most of us turn off from the start. In this world a soul makes you vulnerable. I say we are all capable, of a love that could fix all of humanity. If only we could find some sanity, and love eachotger like they are blood. Then the earth would feel the love. And just think about what could be done then, by just us "men". You glow different its true, depending on whose loving you. Imagine what the earth could do if all of us would just be true. But then again that's why I'm Blue, here to help you, learn to love yourself again. Even if it means we won't be friends. Because I have a job to do, it's my life path of Blue.
© BeautifulBlueGem