

The Ocean And Night Sky
I'm fascinated by alot of nature's children,
But not as much as I am about the Night's Sky and Ocean,
It's a pretty perfect combination if you ask me,
For one can get, just being there, peace and self-discovery,
Although, I haven't seen the sky and ocean at night,
I can paint a picture of how I imagined it to be like.
The Ocean waves washing to shore and back, in sync with the night breeze,
The breeze cool enough to give you goosebumps,
The sky's reflection when you look into it,
and the stars above which adds light to it,
It's amazing if you picture it,
Maybe not exactly how it is but close to it.

The Night Sky And Ocean,
Thoughts about it makes me smile,
How I wish I could see that kind,
The kind of beauty in nature's sight

© xander_60

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