

Incomplete, a word that stings
A constant reminder of unfulfilled things
A puzzle with missing pieces
A song with unfinished creases
In the silence of the night
Thoughts of incompleteness take flight
Echoing through the empty spaces
Leaving behind lingering traces
Like a painting without a final brushstroke
A story without an ending to evoke
Inadequacy fills the air
Leaving behind a sense of despair
Incomplete, a state of being
A feeling that's all-consuming
It gnaws at the heart and soul
Leaving behind a gaping hole
But amidst the void and the pain
A glimmer of hope remains
For what is incomplete can still be filled
With love, joy, and the dreams we've willed
For every unfinished part
Can be a new journey to start
Every missing piece can be found
And every crease can be unwound
So let us embrace the incomplete
For within it lies a bittersweet treat
An opportunity to create
And make our lives truly great.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Incomplete

© ApproximatePower