

Sonnet of The Lost Maiden
Encircled by a body of water,
Gasping for air, reaching out for a hand,
Twirling for high hopes to drown the matter,
Submerged by crushed dreams unable to mend.
Apparelled in a dreamy white laced gown,
Beguiling, epitome of beauty,
Losing the clasp of the eternal crown,
Oblivion rules and bring forth enmity.
Shall the scintillating sky end the doom?
And illuminate life with God’s blessings,
Shall songs of praise allay fears, fill the room?
And give life a chance for new beginnings.
O maiden, stand…rise to the occasion,
The good earth has never ceded passion.
© autumnB
Inspired by the novel ‘The Lost Maiden’ by Olivia DeCourtney