

Try Try
Never allow your trust gets dry _ No matter how life gets hard _Think of ways to try

Depending on others have a way of making you think slowly. This reduces you, you might not grow _ If you continue to look to others for a bowl

Far and wide there is hope
Life is longer than all rope
But you can not win in every scope _ Salvation is for all, even for a Pope

It is good to act simple
You will easily understand people _ Especially when you are great and humble
You will live to see the wicked crumble

Lazy people got a big mouth
They make people go against one another, so they can boost their foolishness further

Be cautious of those you trust _ When you decide to love, know it is your decision
So wait for the other person's conclusion

Try until you die _ Open up to new ways of life, there are many ways to use a knife
To protect and destroy others in a fight _ A lazy man's weapon helps him die faster

But never give up on a child
No matter how rude or wild
Prayer can help for a while
But walk and talk it in a mile

You should have a secret to hide _ No one should understand all your why _ Confuse them with your smile as you continue to try

Only a dead man hopes not
He doesn't feel cold or hot
One-sided thinking is a problem as well _ For there should always be a heaven or a hell _ You want something to buy and have something to sell

Prepare your senses
Numbers and colors have life chances _ Everyone wants to go up and shine bright _ But very few can use a torch or have a light

Life is all about going
Tomorrow will come
Nothing is waiting _ So keep on trying as you keep working _ Listening is better than talking, but a fool sees corrections as mocking

A wise is aware that the last stop is death _so one is never complacent with his condition. Amid prosperity, he builds his vision Thoughts of calamity guide his mission

Happy yet there is a thought to try _ scary or weary one hope is not dry because life is all about the trials we are tried

© Jarry B Blie