

Burnt sienna
Her aroma
reminds me of burnt sienna.
Her ember eyes make me dream of love.
To love you would be to love God's greatest creation.

I love the way you dance.
Flowing and bouncing across the floor.
As majestic as the stringing of the harp.
How could you not capture my heart?

Everything you do amazes me.
It could be as simple as you reading.
Because it is you, of course, I find it amazing.
Do not tell me that I flatter.
You bring the gentleman out of me– the most dapper.

Tell me of your day.
The best and the worst of news.
I'll take in everything you say.
You are the island cruise in a life of beating blue.

Life can be cruel.
But with you...
anything is possible!

© DolorTheDaimone